Rainbow Illusions
Hello! This is Rainbow Ichi's Blog. I usually just write eventful things here in my life, but there are also instances that I just post rants and ramblings. I enjoy Anime, Manga, Illustrating, Cooking and Many more, you just have to find out ;)
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Major Update Post ^^

Today's Wish: To get stuffs done x_X
Current Music on the Head:

Food in thought: Chicken and Corn Eggdrop soup :D
What did you do?: Work? its 3am in the morning on a saturday, let me have my way.

Okies long time no update but I’ve been busy, so I thought of a nifty way to not forget what to write here. I started typing topics down whenever I think its worth sharing with you all ^^


I downloaded this DSiWare for my 3DS over December or was that early Jan, I don’t remember. But this small app lets you make music, which I find cool! I’m no master but I do enjoy creating things! It takes a while to get used to but you also have to have a good ear for music too because some of the tracks I combined together sure are horrible x_x I just need to get better at it when I tinker with them again!

Artist Alley

I was about to write of thinking to joining Fanime Artist Alley, but the opportunity presented itself in the form of drifjunky13 suggesting we share a table. What fun! I struggled with AA registration last January and took a while in the waitlist, as well as taking time to run over to BoE to get myself a temporary seller’s permit. Now I’m registered for fanime, and I just the go ahead that I just got the table, preparation time ahoy! Someone teach me about comissions, I’m not super familiar with it. Aside from that I’m preparing a sketchbook to sell at my table ^_^ and perhaps other things too.

Wanting More Markers

With the recent events, I got more motivated to experiment more with what I have, and by luck I even got a wonderful guide in the form of a book called Shojo Wonder Manga Art School from Michael’s. Although copics still are a little ways expensive, my hand Deleter Neopiko-2 does not fail to do their job. Sadly with the past few years that I have mishandled some of them, there are some that are not in good condition, things like I forgot to close the cap, I pressed too hard now the brush tip’s threatening to fall off whenever I want to use them (thank god for double sided tips), broken tips because I was being in a hurry to recap them, and destroyed them in the process. I was able to do some nice works which was nice :D although quite time consuming, since I usually think what colors I want to use which takes minutes to hours haha xD So yeah I do want more. I’ve recently purchased some from Etoyhobbies.com and they were quick to send, I got it in 3 days business time ^^ maybe I should buy more.

Ragnarok Online : Mora

The latest update has descended upon the Rune Midgard kingdom and a pathway that supplies the Splendide Fairy Army with armaments and necessities have been cut off. It is up to us Adventurers to brave the dangerous Hazy Forest to bring word of news and transport supplies to and from the Trade City of Mora in Jotunheim, a hub filled with other merchants such as Talking dogs, elephants and plants.

It took me a while to finish the required quests to be able to get to Mora, and there were nice Adventurers that helped me get through the scary Hazy Forest Maze, which if you don’t have a huge printed map with you could spell you to be doomed to wander there for all of eternity..or simply die from the creatures that inhabit the place. They are the latest monsters in the game, and they sure pack quite some damage, so gear up, don’t forget your potions and yggdrasil leaves and get going! Great rewards await you at the end, like the most talked about White Wing Set, which enhances Ranger’s Arrow Storm skill damage by 50% with the complete set, and more bonuses with each refine level of the armor, not to mention the special enchantments that can bestow several effects to deal more damage or help, if you’re patient enough to reset them with Mora Coins to get what bonuses you want. That part, I don’t like x_x but oh well, I gotta go thru with it.

Needing More Sleep

Haha, I’ve nott been sleeping properly…I just have this feeling I need to finish a lot of things, they keep me up most of the time. That or just video games. My sleep clock’s way off nowadays :(

Vacation Time

I didn’t do much, but I took my vacation on February, and I was able to vegetate, ingest a ton of anime, and played a lot of RO. I created an alchemist for Ragnarok Online because they had a promo about the update on the Homunculus ‘S’ class, but oh well, I’ll keep my filir the way she is. She’s soo cute!

Tri-City Meets

I’ve recently been actively participating in the local Tri-City sketch jams when I’m free on weekends, which just enables me to hang, draw, chat about things, and gossip about fun stories about other BAAU members :D haha plain late night chatting and drawing sessions galore.

Life Drawing in Mountain View

The week before my Feb Vacation, I checked out the Life Drawing Classes in Mountain View. I have been wanting to do it for 2 years now, but since I just passed my driving exam last year, and now I’ve been a little more adventurous into venturing out a little farther from where I live. Ahaha I’m not so prepared to draw a nude dude but oh wells I got some doodles down ^^ it was quite ..an experience. Maybe I’ll do it another time.


I started watching this new anime called Chihayafuru, I think since December, and I do love watching it. It just finished its first season a few weeks ago, I’m a little disappointed at the ending. There should be another season. Too bad karuta’s kinda hard to know how to play especially if you have to memories 100 poems and recognize which other half of the poem/card in the reader reading before the opponent gets it.

I rate this anime : out of 5 ^^

Also they made a parody comic about it in Anime News Nina! Check it out!

Knight in the Area

I’ve started watching a few of its episode, but I fell back and never watched it again after 4 episodes into this anime. I’m not too into Soccer, but it looks badass on how they present it. Overshadowed younger brother afraid of his own power from injuring a playmate during an elementary match. His elder brother dies saving him from a rogue construction truck when the siblings were talking to each other on the way to school. The younger brother wakes up from the accident a month later, not knowing that it was his brother’s heart that was transplanted into his due to a huge puncture in his chest during the accident. Months later after rehabilitation he returns to school, and exhibited some of his brothers traits without him knowing so, to the fear of people who recognized it tho.

I rate this anime : out of 5 ^^

Natsume Yuujinchou

I’ve recently started catching up to Natsume’s Book of friends anime, and I definitely love it! However as the third season comes to a close, the anime becomes darker and darker, as Natsume gets more involved with a renowned excorcist clan, which powerful Head of House doesn’t care about youkai, but rather places them in the category of useful, or just trash to be exorcised. Things are heating up and I want to know what happens on season four, Natsume Yuujinchou Shi

I rate this anime : out of 5 ^^

Black Death

It’s a really dark movie o_o scary and bloody. It tests your faith to the limit. A very bitter twist in the end.

Kid Icarus: Uprising

I LOVE THIS GAME! I got it a few weeks ago and I really really really like it! Er…well except for Reapers and Ornes, but everything else’s okay, especially the Weapon Fusion feature and Together Mode: Light Vs Dark. Have a 3Ds? Get the game already, nuff said!

The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses SF

01 The Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary Medley by Zelda Philharmonic

04 Gerudo Valley by Zelda Philharmonic

06 Twlight Princess Symphonic Movement by Zelda Philharmonic

Man I loved it! I went with my dad on the 28th of March 2012 at the Davies Symphony Hall. I loved how it wasn’t too loud. I got a ton of streetpasses. I had fun chatting with friends and I was able to take some err very few pictures. I wish they’d play again T^T I got a T-Shirt and Poster for 35$
It was very memorable <3 Can’t help but cry at beautiful parts, gawk at the fights, entranced by melodies and clap a lot, as in a LOT. They gave us one more extra arrangement, and that was the Majora’s Mask Arrangement. Encore indeed. I’m gonna miss it T^T MOAR MOAR MOAR CHOUDAI CHOUDAI

Fairy Tail Episode 124, the 7 Year Gap

I can’t help but feel sad about Lucy’s Dad passing away, and the sorry state that the Fairy Tail Guild is in. I hope it looks up better in the next few chapters!

Superman/Shazam!: the Return of Black Adam

I just finished watching this last night and it was cool! Although it was a little disheartening to know it was a short animation only :( Nontheless the DVD’s packed with a lot of Special Features :D

The return of the Crimson Army

Ah Sad Star Soldiers have returned. This small collaborative project was fun to do years back, creating our own characters, superpowers, storylines that revolve around the planet Astralis. We’ve been redesigning our own characters as of late, adjusting timelines, having fun at sharing ideas and motivating each other to complete the timelines of our characters on our facebook page.
For more info, check out our new wikia page!

Do you have what it takes to handle the Formless Darkness?
Can you answer the call of the Unseen?
Who can you trust?
We are Sad Star Soldiers, the Crimson Army. Children chosen by circumstance.


Well That’s it for now. Keep on going!

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Sunday, January 15, 2012
Fanime 2012 is coming near

Today's Wish: good food
Current Music on the Head:
Food in thought:  panda express’ honey glazed shrimpppp hummm
What did you do?:  woke up watched some crunchyroll and nagged my bro to help me change my bedsheets because it was all covered in my goodies

Hii! I’m feeling a little better nowadays, especially with listening to Akiko Shikata’s wonderful Ar Tonelico music.

Too Much Stuff?

mmmm soo my bro helped me out today, and I really did feel I have too many stuffs :( such material things….sure proves I’m some form of otaku. Waai~ I want more space T^T I want them in shelves instead of stacks, I want them organized. Sometimes I wish to sell them to get more space, but sometimes I don’t want to lose another beautiful work to another. *sigh* otaku indeed. I gotta clean my room someday x_x one of these days….

Artist Alley Table

Sooo… Fanime Artist alley table’s gonna go live on jan 28, I think I have to be around to do it myself and share it with a friend. But first I have to accomplish two things: One, Get myself a Temporary Seller’s Permit. Two, get myself registered for Fanime 2012. Definitely going to be busy this month.


Well I’m not super really prepared for the Artist Alley, so I just decided I’d make a small booklet sketchbook to sell for that and do some commissions, I’m not super good anyways and not as active in DA to actually garner some…familiarity with other popular artists. What do you think? I’m working on something else, I just hope its good :D

Well it’s the middle of the day, a lot of things still in need of doing. See ya’s ^_^ and keep smiling.

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