Rainbow Illusions
Hello! This is Rainbow Ichi's Blog. I usually just write eventful things here in my life, but there are also instances that I just post rants and ramblings. I enjoy Anime, Manga, Illustrating, Cooking and Many more, you just have to find out ;)
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Fanime 2012 is coming near

Today's Wish: good food
Current Music on the Head:
Food in thought:  panda express’ honey glazed shrimpppp hummm
What did you do?:  woke up watched some crunchyroll and nagged my bro to help me change my bedsheets because it was all covered in my goodies

Hii! I’m feeling a little better nowadays, especially with listening to Akiko Shikata’s wonderful Ar Tonelico music.

Too Much Stuff?

mmmm soo my bro helped me out today, and I really did feel I have too many stuffs :( such material things….sure proves I’m some form of otaku. Waai~ I want more space T^T I want them in shelves instead of stacks, I want them organized. Sometimes I wish to sell them to get more space, but sometimes I don’t want to lose another beautiful work to another. *sigh* otaku indeed. I gotta clean my room someday x_x one of these days….

Artist Alley Table

Sooo… Fanime Artist alley table’s gonna go live on jan 28, I think I have to be around to do it myself and share it with a friend. But first I have to accomplish two things: One, Get myself a Temporary Seller’s Permit. Two, get myself registered for Fanime 2012. Definitely going to be busy this month.


Well I’m not super really prepared for the Artist Alley, so I just decided I’d make a small booklet sketchbook to sell for that and do some commissions, I’m not super good anyways and not as active in DA to actually garner some…familiarity with other popular artists. What do you think? I’m working on something else, I just hope its good :D

Well it’s the middle of the day, a lot of things still in need of doing. See ya’s ^_^ and keep smiling.

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