Today's Wish: That our dreams will inevitably come trueCurrent Music on the Head:
Food in thought: Dinuguan (tagalog)What did you do?:Work, and watched Change
Well well well, I missed last Sunday's post ne? I'm trying very hard to post it every sunday to at least make it weekly. But honestly, I'm very very tired. Work's been keeping me that way sadly :( I really need to plan some sort of vacation.
Well, in-between, I try my best to amuse myself, and listen to my favorite podcast.
Anime fans unite, please try to listen and enjoy to Ichigo and Battou's antics at Anime-Pulse
From this podcast I was able to look-up this awesome JDrama, called Change from their Episode #144 at anime pulse. Its pretty inspiring, and so far I've only finished episode 5.
Ganbare! Change cast!
Its kinda awesome to see someone really try hard to convert hard-minded politicians, not to mention, getting under their skin. I wonder what will happen next?
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Meh, I watched it with friends, and honestly in my opinion, its not that much. I expected it to be like, the entire story of the clone wars. But I kinda discovered, that it was just an intro. Those with Cable TV rejoice, you'll be able to watch the continuation after this movie. Sucks that I don't have Cable TV, but its okay, I'm a picky person anyways. Music however, is pretty upbeat. As for the 3-D they look like 3-D meshes just added painted-style skin to :( not much, really looks flat in my opinion, but that's how they want it done, so be it.
My Critic: 

Shameless Plugs and Linkness:
Mysoju: Change
"Can You Handle the Formless Darkness?"
Awareness Plugging
Favorite Anime Radio Station
Until then. keep on living and loving life. It'll always be bitter or sweet, just get it over and we won't have any more problems :) Good Night
Labels: anime, blog, iro, jdrama, life