Today's Wish: We enjoy the holiday season :)
Current Music on the Head:
Food in thought: Sushi <3>
What did you do?: ate out with friends and family, watched bolt and twilight
Well well well, Its been a while!!
I've not been on for a while, been pretty busy with work, but since its after the Black Friday sales, I an breath a short sigh of relief. I have been experimenting and practicing the art of using Deleter Neopiko markers, and I'm improving slowly..I think.
Anyways tomorrow's my birthday! that's why I brought my family and friends out to eat :D
I had fun chatting away, while eating all the Chinese food I wanted. After that we went out to watch Pixar's Bolt, and Twilight :)
Madagascar: Escape to Africa

Aiyaya, its a heartwarming story. I loved it! I find it much more zanier and more story-plotted then the first one.

Bolt is an awesome action-comedy movie. But overall its surrounding theme over friendship and loyalty. Worth of getting a DVD of it.

I don't understand why its rating is a 2-star in its reviews, but for me, it worthy of a 4-star rating out of 5, because its romance-centered, and the camera panning and atmosphere was well-chosen, and the effects aren't too shabby either. And the theme seems to be very good for teens :)
Pokemon Ranger:Shadows of Almia

Ne ne, I bought this game with high hopes, it was too easy. However, I liked the fact that I get a Manaphy Egg and a Roilu for my DS, but with the downside of it needing 2 DSes, You need a very good friend to help you out with the trading part. Anyways, plotwise, the story can be easily half-guessed, if you've been used to some other pokemon games. but this one is a great way to distract kids because it was time-consuming.
Final Fantasy III

I finally was able to buy the 20$ Final Fantasy game. I was hoping it was like Final Fantasy V, because that I loved the most out of all FF games I've played (I've played okay? I've never played FFVI and up got that?) This one, since it is a different story, has the usual Final Fantasy-ish story plot, but the gameplay is similar ti FFV, except to the fact that you have a limit to your magic slots, not like FFV where you can collect all the spells available and any character can use it. Here you have to switch with each other character's spells, because they have different skills due to small spell slot space, and you usually end up painstakingly removing spells or exchanging with your other character's spells. It does get frustrating. Oh and don't forget the usual monster grinding just to level up so you can beat the boss.
That's all for now, however since the Holiday Season has begun, I wish all to enjoy their Holidays. Baibai!!
Labels: friend, life, movie, sketching