Today's Wish: something sweet
Current Music on the Head: MuShiShi Soundtrack
Food in thought: Onigiri
What did you do?: Work?
You know, ever since i've acquired my DSL internet, I've been stuck on the computer at least 3-8 hours in front of my PC.

I'm loving the services of faster internet, i can listent to podcasts even if i don't donwload them, better Ragnarok Online gaming. Playing Gaia Online and enjoying movies and anime from youtube as well as other websites that let me watch for free. These latenights i've spent doing these had cut off my sleeping time, making me late most of the time at work- Major consequences. I've always wanted to absorb a lot of info i am interested in. I've realized it but, how does one recover or even reduce the time used online for time used for sleep without feeling unfilled :( *sigh*
Secondly, i'd like to share the fact i've finally made a friend in this country, we went to the mall last week. It was actually a coincidence that we met at the bus. She's nice :) tomorrow i plan on making another set of experimental onigiri and play in the park with her. I do think it's making me feel better by unwinding with a friend. She too, as she mentioned that she's stressed, and she had fun last time. I'm going to bring tomorrow my Club Go Board and try to teach her how to play Go. I'm only 18kyu in KGS, but meh, so long we enjoy.
By the way,have I mentioned that I'm going to attend SiliCon and try my luck and see if my mini-prints sell. I should save up for a couple of nights in the hotel. Hopefully i do sell something. I'm going to do some drawing service during this convention. Good luck to me.
Oh and I've finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows last night. For me it did not end tastefully, not what miraculous or extravagant ending i've ben expecting. But oh well, Its JK Rowlings book what can I do. All I can do now is to enjoy the first 6 books. bleh. life, looking forward for tomorrow :DLabels: friend, life, onigiri, ragnarok online