Today's Wish: Good Night’s Sleep
Current Music on the Head: Scandal – Shunkan Sentimental
Food in thought: daikon kimchi <3
What did you do?: today? was the last day that I’ll ben in the practice league for starcraft 2 multiplayer.
Well well well, first post of the year! I haven’t been posting a lot as of late ne?
I’m quite preoccupied with some stuff, Starcraft II was one. I’ve been enjoying it immensely, moreso with Multiplayer mode.
I’ve been sick all through the past week it seems. Terrible coughs, wheezes and snortings . Plus also the fact that I started learning how to work a new method of processing proofs at work. Busy week indeed.
That’s all I could mention so far. I hope everyone’s enjoyed the New Year’s, there’s another month until the Chinese New Year comes around. Mmmm Mooncakes!
Until then, keep smiling.
Labels: life