Rainbow Illusions
Hello! This is Rainbow Ichi's Blog. I usually just write eventful things here in my life, but there are also instances that I just post rants and ramblings. I enjoy Anime, Manga, Illustrating, Cooking and Many more, you just have to find out ;)
Monday, November 08, 2010

Today's Wish: Sleep?
Current Music on the Head: Kalafina – Red Moon

Food in thought: Katsudon 
What did you do?: Attended BAAU Meet at Great Mall

Not too eventful this week. Although I finally got to try Quickly’s Nutella Waffle, and OMG its-so-gooooooooooood~!

I’ve started playing Pokemon Ranger Guardian Signs, and apparently from the beginning storyline, it has returning characters that was from the previous game of Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia. The only fresh thing in this latest game is that they have included the Sign concept. Along through the story you acquire ‘Signs’ from different pokemon, which you will use as a form of summoning, rather then looking for a specific pokemon within the field to help with ‘Target Clears’. The storyline drags on too much over then the actual running around in my opinion. Not too fun :(

I have been watching Avatar the Last Airbender as of late, and I finished watching Book 1: Water yesterday. The anime started slow that I kinda felt of just stopping right there, but I went through with it anyways, and I liked it. I’m starting with Book 2: Earth now. Hopefully its much better then the previous one.

Maaan it was sooo rainy early in the morning that I didn’t want to go to the BAAU meet and just vegetate in the house. My hungry stomach however, contradicted with me, so I went anyways and met up with the peeps and chatted and goofed around. Oh wells. I did stumble upon something interesting during the day tho, I went to Dave and Busters to play Pump It Up, however there was a man who sectioned the arcade game off, offering free Scott Pilgrim VS The World DVD on the Highest scorer. I got the prize :B that doesn’t mean i’m super good tho. That was fun even so.

Keep smiling :D