Rainbow Illusions
Hello! This is Rainbow Ichi's Blog. I usually just write eventful things here in my life, but there are also instances that I just post rants and ramblings. I enjoy Anime, Manga, Illustrating, Cooking and Many more, you just have to find out ;)
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Dolphin Plushie!!

Today's Wish: Good Night’s Sleep
Current Music on the Head:  MELL – Red Fraction

Food in thought:  chocolate chip pancakes slathered with maple and boysenberry syrup <3 <3
What did you do?: Vegetated all day…. tried levelling my Sniper’s last job level and boy its…terrible.

Not much BAAU Activity this week, all week was work. However, since I ate for the first time at the iHop branch of Milpitas last week ( I ate at a different one before, a long long time ago ) I got addicted to pancakes mixed with Maple and Boysenberry Syrup, that I went and ate again yesterday.

I finally bought myself a Dolphin Pillow Plushie after staring at it from stores for almost a year. Waaaaii~! its…sooo cute…Can’t stop Snuggling it.

Trying to catch up with Avatar: The Last Airbender. Currently at book two and the government system in the city of Ba Sing Se infuriates me. Talk about Ignorance.

Something got my attention while browsing through ANN this week. It seems that Noir will be turned into a live-action. Produced by Sam Raimi, how cool is that!! OMG I can’t wait for it to come out as a series, I hope I can watch it online, because I don’t have cable TV :(

That’s it so far. Keep smiling :3

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