Rainbow Illusions
Hello! This is Rainbow Ichi's Blog. I usually just write eventful things here in my life, but there are also instances that I just post rants and ramblings. I enjoy Anime, Manga, Illustrating, Cooking and Many more, you just have to find out ;)
Sunday, October 05, 2008
SiliCon 2008 Ends!
Today's Wish: to recuperate lost stamina
Current Music on the Head: Yaida Hitomi -Chapter 01
Food in thought: Coca-Cola, Coconut juice
What did you do?: Just came back from SiliCon!

Well well well, Its another post I'm going to make. And I'm happy to report that I have just returned from SiliConvention 2008

First off, I'd liked to mention that I have enjoyed the convention and its workshops, the Artist Alley and the Dealer's room. And I am very happy to have met a lot of wonderful people. Thank you.

Since I've seem to have lost a lot of stamina, I'll be updating you soon with what I've done, the people I've met, and the activities I tried participating in. Until then, I have cut my post short. I will be uploading my newest photos and videos, and recount the new experiences and things I have learned over the weekend. Until then, see you :)

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