Today's Wish: A good night's sleep to all
Current Music on the Head: Escape
Food in thought: Mushroom Tempura
What did you do?: Work, Ate dinner with co-workers
I was surprised to get a small package when i arrived home from dinner out with co-workers. I opened it up and inside was the Limited Edition Zelda :Phantom Hourglass Feather Stylus.
I thought i would get it in the next 4 weeks, since I personally answered their survey last week. And its plastic clear!! its awesome!! Here's some pics

Damn, its soo pretty!!!
Anyways, yeah I'm just working and working. I kinda realized that this is all what adults do, and I'm just breaching just a bit of experience in the of an adult. I discovered that lunches with people are more fun then eating alone in the cafe. I am very thankful to have nice co-workers while working. I know sometime i weird them out @_@;; too much anime in me, sad to say, as my imagination seems to run wild 24/7
By the way, Fanime is one month away, and as i've mentioned before in my DeviantART Journal, I'm intending to cosplay as a ninja. HOWEVER, I havent even started it, very very sad to mention that my laziness has gotten to me a thousand times. Plus the fact that I am also working on my brother's Red-Haired Shanks cape for his cosplay. I am 65% done with it and here are some shots I took while it was on its 25% stage.

Hopefully I finish this damned cape this weekend and finally start on my Kimono, I have so many things to sew!!
Aaaand.. progress on my illustration...not yet done sadly....

Until I post again, keep smiling =3
Labels: DS, life